10 CFR Part 1050 -- Foreign Gifts and Decorations (2024)


The Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9; 5 U.S.C. 7342; 22 U.S.C. 2694; 42 U.S.C. 7254 and 7262; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.


45 FR 53972, Aug. 13, 1980, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General

§ 1050.101 Purpose and scope.

These regulations implement the provisions of the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act (5 U.S.C. 7342), which establishes policies and procedures pertaining to the acceptance, use, and disposition of gifts or decorations from foreign governments. If an employee of Department of Energy (DOE) meets the requirements of these regulations, he or she is deemed to be in compliance with the DOE Conduct of Employees regulations, 10 CFR part 1010.

§ 1050.102 Applicability.

These regulations apply to all DOE employees, including special Government employees, and civilian and military personnel of other Government agencies regularly detailed to DOE, and to spouses and dependents of such personnel. These regulations apply to all employees of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to the extent the Commission by rule makes these regulations applicable to FERC employees. These regulations do not apply to gifts and bequests accepted by the Department as authorized by section 652 of the Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7262), except as set forth in § 1050.202(d) of this part. These regulations do not apply to assistance from a foreign government for participation by DOE employees in foreign cultural exchange programs pursuant to the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act (22 U.S.C. 2458a).

§ 1050.103 Definitions.

(a) Employee means—

(1) An employee of DOE or FERC as defined by 5 U.S.C. 2105 (employees of DOE contractors are specifically excluded);

(2) A special Government employee as defined in 18 U.S.C. 202(a), and an expert or consultant who is under contract to the DOE pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3109, including, in the case of an organization performing services under such section, any individual involved in the performance of such services;

(3) A member of a Uniformed Service or an employee of another Government agency assigned or detailed to the DOE or FERC;

(4) The spouse of an individual described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section (unless such individual and his or her spouse are legally separated) or a dependent (within the meaning ot section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) of such an individual, other than a spouse or dependent who is an employee under paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3).

(b) Foreign government means:

(1) Any unit of foreign governmental authority, including any foreign national, State, local, or municipal government;

(2) Any international or multinational organization whose membership is composed of any unit of foreign government described in paragraph (b)(1); and

(3) Any agent or representative of any such unit or such organization, while acting as such.

(c) Gift means a tangible or intangible present (other than a decoration) tendered by, or received from, a foreign government.

(d) Decoration means an order, device, medal, badge, insignia, emblem, or award tendered by, or received from, a foreign government.

(e) Minimal value means that value as defined in regulations prescribed by the Administrator of General Services, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to reflect changes in the consumer price index for the immediately preceding 3-year period in accordance with the definition of “minimal value” as set forth in the Federal Property Management Regulations of title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations as applied to the Utilization, Donation, and Disposal of Foreign Gifts and Decorations.

(f) The Act means the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act, 5 U.S.C. 7342.

(g) Appropriate General Counsel means either the DOE General Counsel when the employee involved is an employee of that portion of the DOE which excludes FERC, or the FERC General Counsel when the employee involved is an employee of FERC.

[45 FR 53972, Aug. 13, 1980, as amended at 59 FR 44896, Aug. 31, 1994]

§ 1050.104 Responsibilities and authorities.

(a) The Director of Administration shall:

(1) Assure that all employees are given access to or a copy of the Act and these regulations;

(2) Maintain liaison with the Department of State and prepare Departmental reports to the Department of State consistent with the Act and these regulations;

(3) Provide advice and assistance on implementation of the act and these regulations, in coordination with the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs (IA) and the appropriate General Counsel;

(4) Collect and maintain for public inspection all employee statements submitted pursuant to these regulations;

(5) Arrange for independent appraisal of the value of gifts or decorations, upon the request of the General Services Administration or the Inspector General (or other appropriate DOE official); and

(6) Accept and maintain custody and make all determinations regarding the use and disposition of all gifts and decorations accepted by employees on behalf of the United States, in coordination with IA, the appropriate General Counsel, and, for gifts to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary or Under Secretary, the appropriate official in the Office of the Secretary.

(b) The Assistant Secretary for International Affairs (IA) shall assist the Directorate of Administration, where appropriate, in making determinations concerning the effects of the proposed acceptance, use, or disposition of a foreign gift or decoration on the foreign relations of the United States.

(c) The appropriate General Counsel shall assist the Directorate of Administration in matters relating to the interpretation and application of the Act, and these and any related regulations, and shall provide counseling and interpretation regarding the Act, and these and any related regulations, to employees.

(d) The Inspector General shall investigate suspected violations of these regulations pursuant to § 1050.303 below.

Subpart B—Guidelines for Acceptance of Foreign Gifts or Decorations

§ 1050.201 Policy against accepting foreign gifts or decorations.

(a) The Constitution of the United States, Article I, section 9, clause 8, provides that “* * * no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under * * * [the United States], shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any * * * foreign State.” In the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act the Congress consented to the acceptance by Federal employees of gifts and decorations with certain constraints and under certain procedures. Acceptance of any gift or decoration not consistent with this Act, the Department of Energy Organization Act, or the regulations in this part is prohibited.

(b) No employee shall request or otherwise encourage the tender of a gift or decoration from a foreign government. No employee shall accept a gift or decoration from a foreign government except as provided in §§ 1050.202 or 1050.203 of this part and in accordance with the additional procedures set forth in §§ 1050.204 and 1050.301 of this part.

§ 1050.202 Allowable acceptance of gifts.

(a) An employee may accept and retain gifts from foreign governments where the gift is tendered or received as a souvenir or mark of courtesy, and is of minimal value. Initial responsibility for determining the value of a gift lies with the employee.

(b) Subject to the prior approval requirements described in § 1050.204(a) of this part, an employee may accept gifts of more than minimal value, tendered as a souvenir or mark of courtesy, where it appears that refusal of the gift would likely cause offense or embarrassment or otherwise adversely affect the foreign relations of the United States. Otherwise, an employee, when offered a gift of more than minimal value from a foreign government, other than a gift designated in paragraph (c) of this section, should advise the donor that acceptance of such gifts by the employee is contrary to the policy of the United States. If a gift described in this paragraph is accepted by an employee and not immediately returned thereby, it shall be deemed to have been accepted on behalf of the United States. Upon acceptance it becomes the property of the United States. Within 60 days after acceptance by the employee, the gift shall be deposited with the Directorate of Administration for disposal or official Departmental use as determined by the Directorate of Administration, in accordance with § 1050.302 of this part, and an appropriate statement shall be filed by the employee in accordance with § 1050.301(a) of this part.

(c) Subject to the prior approval requirements described in § 1050.204(a) of this part, an employee may accept and retain gifts of more than minimal value:

(1) Where the gift is in the nature of an educational scholarship.

(2) Where the gift is in the form of medical treatment.

An employee accepting a gift pursuant to this paragraph shall file an appropriate statement in accordance with § 1050.301(a) of this part.

(d) An employee may accept gifts (whether or not of minimal value) of travel or expenses for travel (such as transportation, food, lodging, or entertainment) taking place entirely outside of the United States where the provision of such travel or expenses is in accordance with diplomatic custom or treaty and where the Head of the employee's Office grants prior written approval. A spouse or dependent may accept gifts of travel or travel expenses when accompanying the employee, provided this is done with the prior written approval of the Head of the employee's Office. The Head of the employee's Office shall consult with the appropriate General Counsel in connection with granting approval under this paragraph. Travel or expenses for travel may not be accepted merely for the personal benefit, pleasure, enjoyment, or financial enrichment of the individual involved. An appropriate statement shall be filed in accordance with § 1050.301(b) of this part. When any portion of the travel (such as the origination or termination of a flight) is within the United States, it may not be paid for by a foreign government, except as set forth in paragraph (e) of this section.

(e) Pursuant to section 652 of the DOE Organization Act, an employee may accept gifts from the International Atomic Energy Agency or other energy-related international organizations (e.g., the Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Energy Agency) covering transportation expenses to or from a foreign country in connection with scientific or technical assistance projects of such agencies for which the Department of Energy has lead U.S. Government agency responsibility. Such gifts may be accepted only with the prior written approval of the Head of the employee's Office, who is hereby delegated authority to accept such gifts in accordance with section 652.

§ 1050.203 Acceptance of decorations.

(a) An employee may accept, retain and wear a decoration tendered by a foreign government in recognition of active field service in time of combat operations or awarded for other outstanding or unusually meritorious performance.

(b) Acceptance of a decoration in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section shall be reviewed and approved by the Directorate of Administration in accordance with § 1050.204 of this part. Otherwise, it will be deemed to have been accepted on behalf of the United States, shall become the property of the United States, and shall be deposited, within 60 days of acceptance, with the Directorate of Administration for disposal or official Departmental use as determined by the Directorate of Administration in accordance with § 1050.302 of this part.

§ 1050.204 Advance approval for acceptance of gifts or decorations.

(a) If an employee is advised that a gift of more than minimal value as described in § 1050.202 (b) or (c) is to be tendered to him or her, the employee shall, if time permits, request the written advice of the Directorate of Administration regarding the appropriateness of accepting or refusing the gift. A request for approval shall be submitted to the Directorate of Administration in writing, stating the nature of the gift and the reasons for which it is being tendered. The Directorate of Administration shall consult with Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and the appropriate General Counsel in connection with advising the employee. If such advice cannot be obtained and refusal of the gift would likely cause offense or embarrassment or otherwise adversely effect the foreign relations of the United States, the gift may be accepted, but the Directorate of Administration shall be informed as soon as possible. In either event, the employee shall proceed as provided in §§ 1050.202 and 1050.301 of this part.

(b) Where an employee is notified of the intent of a foreign government to award him a decoration for outstanding or unusually meritorious service, approval required under § 1050.203 should be obtained prior to acceptance of the award. A request for approval shall be submitted to the Directorate of Administration in writing, stating the nature of the decoration and the reasons for which it is being awarded. The Directorate of Administration shall consult with the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and the appropriate General Counsel. If time does not permit the employee to obtain approval for the award of the decoration before its receipt, the employee may accept it, but shall seek such approval immediately thereafter.

Subpart C—Procedures and Enforcement

§ 1050.301 Reports.

(a) Within 60 days of accepting a gift of more than minimal value, other than gifts of travel or travel expenses, which are covered in paragraph (b) of this section, an employee shall, in addition to depositing a tangible gift (e.g. wearing apparel, liquor, etc.) with the Directorate of Administration in accordance with § 1050.202 of this part, file with the Directorate of Administration a statement concerning the gift containing the information identified on the sample form set forth in appendix I. The form set forth in appendix I must also be filed if the aggregate value of gifts accepted by the recipient from all sources over any period of one year exceeds $250.

(b) Within 30 days after accepting travel or travel expenses in accordance with § 1050.202 of this part, an employee shall file with the Directorate of Administration a statement concerning the travel containing the information identified on the sample form set forth in appendix II. Such a statement need not be filed, however, if the travel is in accordance with specific travel arrangements made by the Department in cooperation with the foreign government.

(c) The Directorate of Administration shall:

(1) Maintain the statements filed pursuant to these regulations and make them available for public inspection and copying during regular business hours; and

(2) Not later than January 31 of each year compile and transmit to the Department of State for publication by the Department of State in the Federal Register a list of all statements filed pursuant to these regulations during the preceding calendar year.

§ 1050.302 Use or disposal of gifts and decorations accepted on behalf of the United States.

(a) The Directorate of Administration shall accept and maintain custody of all tangible gifts and decorations accepted by employees on behalf of the United States pending their final disposition.

(b) Whenever possible, the gift or decoration shall be returned to the original donor. The Directorate of Administration shall examine the circ*mstances surrounding its donation, and, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, assess whether any adverse effect upon the United States foreign relations might result from return of the gift or decoration to the donor. The appropriate officials of the Department of State shall be consulted if the question of an adverse effect arises.

(c) The Directorate of Administration may determine that the gift or decoration may be retained for the official use of the Department, if it can be properly displayed in an area at Headquarters or at a field facility accessible to employees or members of the public or if it is otherwise usable in carrying out the mission of the Department. The Assistant Secretary for International Affairs shall be consulted to determine whether failure to accept the gift or decoration for the official use of the Department will have an adverse effect on the foreign relations of the United States. In no case shall a gift or decoration be accepted for the official use of the Department when the enjoyment and beneficial use of the gift will accrue primarily to the benefit of the donee or any other individual employee. Gifts or decorations that are retained for the official use of the Department shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section when their official use is ended.

(d) If a gift or decoration is not retained for official use of the Department, or if its official use has ended, the Directorate of Administration shall, within 30 days after its deposit or after its official use has ended—

(1) Report the gift or decoration to the General Services Administration (GSA) for transfer, donation, or other disposal in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 and the Federal Property Management Regulations at 41 CFR part 101–49, or

(2) If the gift or decoration is in cash, currency, or monies (except those with possible historic or numismatic value), or is a noncash monetary gift such as a check, money order, bonds, shares of stock, or other negotiable instrument, forward it to the Finance and Accounting Office for deposit with the Department of the Treasury.

(e) The Directorate of Administration shall retain custody of gifts and decorations not returned to the donor or retained for the official use of the Department until GSA directs it concerning their disposition. At the request of GSA, the Directorate of Administration shall arrange for appraisal of specific gifts and decorations.

§ 1050.303 Enforcement.

(a) An employee who violates the provisions of the Act or these regulations may be subject to disciplinary action or civil penalty action as set forth in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.

(b) Suspected violations of the Act or these regulations shall be reported promptly to the appropriate General Counsel and the Inspector General.

(c) The Inspector General will be responsible for taking the following actions:

(1) If the results of an investigation by the Inspector General do not provide any support for a determination that a violation of the Act or these regulations has occurred, then no further action shall be taken.

(2) If it is determined that the employee knowingly and through actions within his own control has done any of the following, the matter shall be referred to the Attorney General for appropriate action:

(i) Solicited or accepted a gift from a foreign government in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of the Act and these regulations;

(ii) As the approved recipient of travel expenses failed to follow the procedures set forth in the Act and these regulations; or

(iii) Failed to deposit or report a gift as required by the Act and these regulations.

(3) If it is determined that the employee failed to deposit a tangible gift with the Directorate of Administration within 60 days, or to account properly for acceptance of travel expenses, or to comply with the requirements of these regulations relating to the disposal of gifts and decorations retained for official use, but that the criteria of knowledge and control specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section for referral to the Attorney General have not been met, then the matter shall be referred by the Inspector General to appropriate Departmental officials for administrative action.

(d) As set forth in section 7342(h) of title 5, United States Code, the Attorney General may bring a civil action in any district court of the United States against any employee who knowingly solicits or accepts a gift from a foreign government not consented to by the Act, or who fails to deposit or report such gift as required by the Act. The court in which such action is brought may assess a civil penalty against such employee in any amount not to exceed the retail value of the gift improperly solicited or received plus $24,973.

[45 FR 53972, Aug. 13, 1980, as amended at 62 FR 46184, Sept. 2, 1997; 74 FR 66034, Dec. 14, 2009; 79 FR 20, Jan. 2, 2014; 81 FR 41796, June 28, 2016; 81 FR 96353, Dec. 30, 2016; 83 FR 1293, Jan. 11, 2018; 83 FR 66084, Dec. 26, 2018; 85 FR 831, Jan. 8, 2020; 86 FR 2957, Jan. 14, 2021; 87 FR 1065, Jan. 10, 2022; 88 FR 2194, Jan. 13, 2023; 89 FR 1029, Jan. 9, 2024]

Subpart D—Gifts to Foreign Individuals

§ 1050.401 Prohibition against use of appropriated funds.

No appropriated funds other than funds from the “Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service” account of the Department of State may be used to purchase any tangible gift of more than minimal value for any foreign individual unless such gift has been approved by the Congress.

[59 FR 44896, Aug. 31, 1994]

Appendix I to Part 1050—DOE Form 3735.2—Foreign Gifts Statement

10 CFR Part 1050 -- Foreign Gifts and Decorations (1)

Statement Concerning Gifts Received From a Foreign Government

Item 1. This statement is to be filed pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act (5 U.S.C. 7342, as amended by Pub. L. 95–105, August 17, 1977) and DOE implementing regulations at 10 CFR part 1050. These provisions apply to foreign gifts tendered to or accepted by Federal employees and their spouses and dependents. The name of the employee should always be indicated in item 1; if the employee is the recipient of the gift then items 5 and 6 should be marked N/A-not applicable; if the recipient is a spouse or dependent, then the appropriate information should be included in items 5 and 6.

Item 2. Self explanatory.

Items 3 and 4. The Office or Division and the position of the employee should be indicated here regardless of whether the recipient is the employee or a spouse or dependent.

Items 5 and 6. See above, Item 1.

Item 7. Self explanatory.

Item 8. Self explanatory.

Item 9. Indicate the retail value in the United States at the time of acceptance. If there is any uncertainty as to the value of the gift, it is the recipient's responsibility to make a reasonable effort to determine value. If the value is $100 or under, and if the aggregate value of the gifts accepted by the recipient from all sources over any period of one year does not exceed $250, then the gift may be retained by the recipient and this Statement need not be submitted.

Item 10. Identify in this item whether or not approval to accept the gift was sought or given in advance in accordance with § 1050.204 of the DOE regulations. Also identify those circ*mstances supporting a determination that refusal of the gift would likely cause offense or embarrassment or otherwise adversely affect the foreign relations of the United States.

Items 11 and 12. Self explanatory.

Item 13. Though there is no assurance that the item will be sold or if it is sold that it will be feasible for the recipient to participate in the sale, GSA regulations provide for participation by the recipient where feasible.

Appendix II to Part 1050—DOE Form 3735.3—Foreign Travel Statement

10 CFR Part 1050 -- Foreign Gifts and Decorations (2)

Statement Concerning Acceptance of Travel or Travel Expenses From a Foreign Government

Item 1. This statement is to be filed pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act (5 U.S.C. 7342, as amended by Pub. L. 95–105, August 17, 1977) and DOE implementing regulations at 10 CFR part 1050. These provisions apply to travel or travel expenses for travel entirely outside of the United States1 tendered to or accepted by Federal employees and their spouses and dependents. The name of the employee should always be indicated in item 1; if the employee is the recipient of the travel or travel expenses, then items 5 and 6 should be marked N/A-not applicable; if the recipient is a spouse or dependent, then the appropriate information should be included in items 5 and 6.

Item 2. Self explanatory.

Items 3 and 4. The Office or Division of the employee should be indicated here regardless of whether the recipient is the employee or a spouse or dependent.

Items 5 and 6. See above, Item 1.

Item 7a. Indicate the location and mode of transportation and approximate value in U.S. dollars, if possible. Attach itinerary if available.

Item 7b. Indicate nature and location of travel expenses provided and approximate value in U.S. dollars, if possible. Attach itinerary if available.

Item 8. Indicate dates of travel.

Item 9. Self explanatory.

Item 10. Travel and travel expenses may be accepted in accordance with DOE regulations where the travel is official agency business. Spouses and dependents may accept such travel and expenses only when accompanying the employee. Item 10 therefore should be completed to identify the employee's official business whether the recipient is an employee or a spouse or dependent.

Item 11. Identify in this item any treaty or diplomatic custom that related to acceptance of the travel or expenses, and any circ*mstances indicating that acceptance would be consistent with the interests of the U.S. Also provide information regarding any prior approval of the acceptance.

Items 12, 13a, and 13b. Self explanatory.

1 The Congress has consented in Pub. L. 95–105 only to acceptance of travel or travel expenses that is entirely outside of the United States. Travel, any portion of which (such as the origination or termination of a flight) is within the United States, may not be paid for by a foreign government. All such travel must be handled within applicable DOE Travel Regulations and Standards of Conduct Regulations.

10 CFR Part 1050 -- Foreign Gifts and Decorations (2024)


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