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The Review of Korean History2023 KCI Impact Factor : 1.02
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An Understanding of Seo Hee’s Goryeo-Khitan War in the Early Goryeo Dynasty and the Historical Review of the Fortification of 6 Provinces in Gangdong
- The Review of Korean History
- 2023,(152), pp.007-048
- DOI : 10.31218/TRKH.2023.12.152.7
- Publisher :The Historical Society Of Korea
- Research Area : Humanities > History
- Received : November 20, 2023
- Accepted : December 3, 2023
- Published : December 30, 2023
Jung-Soo Han1
Inheriting the family traditions of benevolence, and following the great righteousness of the world, an upright view of the media, and the righteous life of ‘A king must behave like a king and a subject must behave like a subject’, Seo Hee had the Jeongmyeong ideology and media view, Goguryeo succession consciousness, territorial consciousness, people’s heavenly spirit, and self-esteem consciousness. Based on this, the Seo Hee family became a major family. He also read that the international situation at the time of King Seongjong was being reorganized around the Khitans. Goryeo's pro-Song policy became a burden on the Khitan, which ultimately led to the decision to invade Goryeo. Seo Hee took the lead in making peace with the Khitan. Then, he developed the Gangdong 6-ju fortification and created Jobingro along with the demarcation of the territory. After completing the fortification of six provinces in Gangdong, Seo-hee aimed to advance to Gangoero. However, King Seongjong urgently decided on submission to the the Khitan. He had different opinions about this, but he did his duty by leading the construction of the fortification. In addition, King Seongjong aroused the Khitan’s suspicion by plotting a military alliance with Song. Accordingly, the Khitan installed King Seongjong as the king of Goryeo and mentioned ‘Soinjimo’. He completed the fortification of 6 provinces in Gangdong, but at the same time, she had to return due to illness. The fortification of six provinces in Gangdong and the military request to the Song Dynasty, which contradicted King Seongjong’s submission of the Khitan, were different from Seo hee’s idea. However, the construction of the fortress in the six provinces of Gangdong had the meaning of resolving the Jurchen problem, providing defense against the Khitan invasion, and securing a bridgehead for advancement into areas outside the Gangdong region.
Seohee, Seopil, So son-nyeong, Sega, Jeongmyeong ideology, amity, Seungdang Sangyeonrye, pro-Song policy, 6 provinces of Gangdong, Soinjimo(小人之謀)
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author={Jung-Soo Han},
title={An Understanding of Seo Hee’s Goryeo-Khitan War in the Early Goryeo Dynasty and the Historical Review of the Fortification of 6 Provinces in Gangdong},
journal={The Review of Korean History},