Saiyan Destroyer of Justice - Chapter 1 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (2024)

Chapter Text

Story Start

Planet Shonen

It was a bright sunny day on Planet Shonen, although it was anything but peaceful, the capital was bustling with activity for the return of Naruto the God of Destruction

The Animian's beings blessed with the ability to use their life energy in various ways. Life on Shonen was similar in a lot of ways to the Asian culture of Planet Earth, as stated earlier today was the return of Naruto who had adopted the planet as his own after his self-imposed exile from Sadala

The King, and Queen along with everyone watched the battle between Ichigo Kurosaki and Monkey D. Luffy, only the Destroyer god was no where to be found

With Naruto

Naruto had been a prodigy amongst his people the Saiyan's, only unlike them he wasn't bloodthirsty and willing to kill everything in sight, he had tried to show everyone the potential that their race had but it proved to be a lost cause as they turned on him and tried to kill him leading him to leave his planet and happen upon Whis an Angel looking for an apprentice, to take the job of a Frost Demon, which lead to Naruto being given the title God of Destruction

Currently, instead of enjoying the festival held in honor of him, Naruto was laying in bed naked kissing Vados the Angel from Universe 6, while he combed his fingers through Chichi's hair as she sloppily sucked his co*ck, while Bulma licked his balls, and Marcarita Angel of Universe 11 licked his neck

Naruto loved to fight, and only became a god of destruction because if he didn't his universe would've been erased by the child king Zeno. He'd rather not be erased from existence along with those who didn't deserve it which is why he spent most of his time training, before being forced to go out and destroy world's after saving the innocent inhabitants of course.

Whis, Vados, and Marcarita told him it would be in his best interest to do away with his emotions but he feared he couldn't do that even if he tried.

As the 5 finished their enjoyment of each others flesh, there was a huge burst of power causing eyes to widen, Naruto stood up and walked to the window and opened it before he heard a gasp from Vados, and Marcarita

"What is it?" Naruto asked looking to the shocked Angels

"T-that's our mother." Vados said shocked looking at the short female angel beside the taller male figure that resembled Zeno

"Your mother? I thought she was Priestess to Zeno's parent?"

"She is. We need to get out there." Marcarita said before her staff appeared and the three were dressed,

Naruto stood at 5'9, and wore a red t-shirt, with a black vest, black baggy pants, and red boots. Around his neck was a black cord attached to a green crystal, around his biceps were a red strap, with matching wrist bands. He had shoulder length wild spiky black hair with jaw-length crimson red bangs framing both sides of his face, along with 3 whisker marks on each cheek.

In a blink they along with Whis appeared standing across the two beings "Mother." Vados/Marcarita/Whis greeted their mother who smirked

"Hello my children." Mother said

"Naruto, I'd like for you to meet the God of Everything. Grand Zeno's father Grand Omni."

"Sir." Naruto nodded not bowing causing the God to smirk and laugh loudly

"Not bowing even though you stand before a true god! I like you boy!' the God of Everything said

"What can I do for you?" Naruto asked finding it odd a being such as this would be here instead of with his dimwitted son

"I've decided to do something new." Grand Omni said

"New?" Naruto asked

"Yes. I gave my son these 18 universes to keep him from annoying me. I've decided to take a spirit with the most potential to one of my new universes." Omni said

"Wha-why me?" Naruto asked shocked along with the Angels

"Because unlike the other Destroyers you seem to be the most humble which is baffling considering your species. Also it has come to my attention that you are a soul that is shared by all Gods."


"I'm not the only God to preside of a multiverse, and you my friend have counterparts in literally 31.1 different multiverses." Omni king said causing the others eyes to widen "Naruto Uzumaki. You were chosen by Kami the one who stands above all gods to be a child of prophecy. I will not lose your soul to my son's childish antics when he inevitably decides to erase things."

"Uzumaki?" Naruto thought to himself

"I will give you the knowledge needed for you to survive in this new world. Bye."

"Wai-" Naruto tried to say but with a snap of Omni's fingers he was teleported away much to the shock of Vados, Marcarita, and Whis

"Whis you have 9,000 years to find a suitable replacement for the God of Destruction of Universe 7. Also no one can know of this." Mother said to Whis who was still in shock over the disappearance of his best friend/student

"Destroy this planet as welk, the souls will be recycled." Omni ordered

DC Multiverse

Naruto yelled as his body was ripped apart and put back together as he traveled to his new world. After being spat out of a black portal in the form of a 16 year old, Naruto landed in an alley and immediately got up and looked around before he gripped his head when it began to pound as he shouted and blood dripped from his nose from the memories that were forcing themselves into his head, and rearranging themselves into an order. Once the memories settled he began to pant in exhaustion, and pain as his younger body ached, while he focused on the foreign memories

He was Naruto Uzumaki Prince of All Saiyans born on Planet Sadala. Planet Vegeta another planet that a faction of Saiyans had took from Tuffles had waged war with backing from Frost Demons, and the fighting had took its toll on the planet with a ki blast hitting the planets core, his mother had knocked him out and got him off the planet.

Wiping the blood from his nose, Naruto stumbled forward mentally going over who he really was, "I am Naruto of Universe 7. God of Destruction, Sex, and Battle. The first ever Saiyan to achieve the Super Saiyan form. Sadala doesn't have any forms of government or at least it didn't the last time I was there. My parents died when I was a child. I don't know any Frieza, only Frost Demon I know are Blizzard my predecessor and Chilled both who I killed. I'm not some barbarian who preaches about blood purity. I've learned of Ki, God Ki, and Ultra Instinct from Angels of all 18 Universes and the more versatile Chakra from Hagoromo. I don't belong here."

A light, along with a horn got his attention and Naruto looked up to see a car heading for him, and raised his hands to defend himself when the car stopped and a man got out of the car "Oh my god! What're you doing out in the middle of the road!" a man yelled rushing to Naruto who looked at him before he fainted

The old man caught Naruto,and noticed the monkey tail attached to the back of his pants and his eyes widened slightly before he looked around and immediately helped the kid into the backseat and quickly drove off


Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes to see he was in a lab of some kind, "You're awake." the old man from earlier said walking forward and Naruto's eyes narrowed but the man raised his hands "My name is Daniel Briefs, and this is my home slash place of work. I'm a scientist you see, and I get the feeling that your not from around here."

"What was the first clue?" Naruto asked sitting up

"Well your tail to be honest." Dr. Breifs said lighting a cigarette

"If your hoping to experiment on me pal, let me tell you you won't like the results." Naruto said glaring at the man slightly, he might be younger which meant he needed to regrow to get his power back under proper control but he could still wipe the floor with an old man

"Experiment? Oh no, none of that." Dr. Breifs smiled before he frowned "I lost my wife, and my daughter Bulma while back in the Americas during a meteor shower. I've been alone here, with my inventions. Your here from some destroyed planet right?"

"The god of my universe sent me here because I'm some important soul or something." Naruto said looking around

"The god of your universe?" Dr. Brief asked in surprised

"I was a god of destruction, but my work ethic wasn't what you called the best, as I spent most of my time eating, training, and having sex with any beautiful woman I could find, and according to the Grand Priest the King of Everything didn't like how I saved innocent people from the fate of their planet. Now I'm here, deaged to being a brat once more, with no way of getting back to my home." Naruto ranted in annoyance

"I can't help you get back home, but I can help you settle into making this planet your home." Dr. Brief said looking at Naruto hopefully

"I'm good." Naruto said

"Come on, what do you got to lose?" Dr Briefs said as Naruto looked at him "You obviously have no place to go."

"What do you want from me Omni?" Naruto asked causing Dr. Breifs to smile before in a flash Grand Omni appeared

"To be a protector for this world." Omni said

"Protect it from what?"

"I've made this world just for you. I just couldn't help myself. I took threats a Saiyan named Kakarot from Universe 7 would've dealt with and modernized it to fit into this world, with you as its hero." Omni said proud of himself

"For what purpose?"

"Something I haven't seen before. A Saiyan Naruto Uzumaki, fighting other Saiyans, Frost Demons and Androids before going on to join the Justice League!" Omni laughed giddy

"Entertainment." Naruto said

"You know how it is. Unfortunately your lovers Bulma, and Chichi will be reborn in Universe 7 and marry Saiyans and have their offspring, but on the bright side you will have beauties of your own to hopefully carry your seed." Omni said as he had pictures of future Superherions, Assassin's appear in front of Naruto who blinked "There will be strong people for you to fight as well. All I want for you to do is live your life here, Naruto. Your a protector at heart in every version of you that I have seen, even your evil versions. I've sealed off all ways back to the Dragon realm, you will never ever see it again."

Omni stretched his arms out indicating to the world around Naruto and himself "This is your life now. Enjoy it." he said before he began to glow slightly "Mr. Briefs memories of you are that you are his adopted son that he found in a pod hurt and unconsious. He loves you, and will do anything to make sure you are strong and have the values of a hero. Enjoy."

Naruto watched as Omni left the body of Daniel who fainted and quickly he caught the man and placed him on the bed, and he didn't know how to feel to be honest, he would never see his friends and lovers again, but they would go on to have families of thier own, they would be happy, so why couldn't he?

Naruto gave a small smile and with a nod walked over to a board and with a marker began to write

Few Minutes Later

Daniel awoke with a groan, wondering when he fell asleep, before he smiled brightly when he saw his adopted alien son at the white board "What you got there son?"

'I have blueprints for a artificial gravity Chamber and equipment I can use to" Naruto said blinking, "That's going to take some getting used to."

"Let's see here." Daniel said scratching his head as he looked over the blueprints and after a moment smirked, before he looked to Naruto, "Let's get started."

Naruto smirked at least this life was off to a good start

Week Later

Naruto took it back, what had been an amazing few days with his...adopted father had effectively been ruined when he was told that he would going to school, and here he was in first period, being glanced at by the children before the teacher stood up

"Good morning class. Now before we start with the lesson, I'm sure some of you have noticed that we have a new student joining us. If you would please stand and introduce yourself to us."

Naruto sighed and stood up "Hi my name is Naruto. I'm the adopted son of Daniel Briefs, and I hope to get to know you all." he drawled before he sat down

"Okay, and Naruto for future reference the school understand ones need to express themselves but hair dye is not permitted."

"This is my natural hair." Naruto said leaning his cheek on his hand as he looked at the teacher who blinked

"Oh, okay." the teacher said before he cleared his throat and began to the lesson

"This sucks." Naruto said to himself, he wished he had a technique to clone himself but since he has never experimented with Chakra now would be a time to learn to use it since the energy was more versatile than Ki.


Naruto was putting up some of his books into his locker when he was approached, "Hi."

Blinking Naruto looked over his shoulder to see a blonde girl clutching her books smiling at him, "Hey." he said

"My name is Alexandra Garcia, but you can call me Alex." Alex said with her hand out to shake (From Kuroko no Basket)

"Naruto." Naruto smiled shaking her hand "You know all the other kids around here seem to be very..."

"Uppity?' Alex asked

"Not the word I was going for, but yeah." Naruto said

"Well the entire student body are made up of kids from rich families. Doesn't stop them from acting like kids from other schools though." Alex replied as Naruto closed his locker, "So have you found a club yet?"

"Uh no, because if I'm not mistaken then that means I have to stay here longer than I want too." Naruto shrugged,

"Yeah, but it's a great way to make friends." Alex said

"I thought that's what I was doing now?' Naruto asked turning to face Alex who smiled

"Is that you way of asking if I will be your friend?" Alex asked, getting a shrug from Naruto "I will if you try to join a club, I'll even help."

Naruto nodded with a grin. He promised Daniel that he'd tried to make at least one friend, and it seemed to be easier than he remembered


Naruto was walking around looking for any club he might be interested in joining, Alex was on the women's basketball team whatever that was. As he looked at his phone and researched football lthe coach for the team walked over "Hey your the new kid right?"

"Yeah." Naruto said

"Listen we need players for our team, why don't you come and try out." the coach said getting a shrug from Naruto "Have you ever played?"

"Quarterback and Cornerback." Naruto said remembering the two positions he saw even though he has never played this sport in his life

"Okay, let's see." the coach said before Naruto went to get into the practice gear

"Look at this clown." a jock said with a scoff standing with the cheerleaders and other football players

"The new kid wants a shot at popularity." another jock chuckled

"Well he'll have to earn that." another jock smirked getting smirks from the others as the cheerleaders shook their heads while they undressed Naruto with their eyes

"Okay, we'll start you off at quarterback."

Naruto nodded and got in position like he remembered seeing on the videos he watched "Let's welcome the new guy." a linebacker said with a smirk as Naruto got ready

"Alright. Down, set...hut!" Naruto grabbed the ball and backed up watching as the defensive team easily got past his blockers and narrowed his eyes before he ducked while spinning through two defenders and lightly tossed the ball to his receiver who caught it but the force of the throw causing the ball to drag him out of bounds and into the ground

A few more drills were ran with the players trying to embarrass Naruto but he always dodged the players and tossed the ball directly at a player

When it was time for him to be a cornerback, Naruto was in position and when the ball was hiked and the man he was covering got the ball and charged straight at him with his helmet first. Naruto moved out of the way, while with a knife hand jabbed his fingers into the ball, popping it lose and had his free hand palm it underneath his man's arm before he turned and ran toward the touchdown, dodging the players in his way, when the quarterback tried to tackle him. Naruto planted his feet and leaned back while putting the ball behind his back and kicked a leg forward as his hand found its way to the quarterbacks helmet before he slapped it down sending it into the grass and continued uncontested to the end zone

Naruto sighed, football was boring with no real competition so he tossed the ball back to the coach who caught it with a grunt and began to take off the gear


Naruto blinked and looked up to see the head cheerleader smiling at him as he took off the shoulder pads "Hey."

"I saw you out there and you were amazing." the girl said her eyes gazing over the muscles and abs of Naruto as he reached for a shirt

"Thanks." Naruto smiled

"I'm Effle, by the way."

"Naruto." Naruto said shaking her hand before he put his t-shirt on and grabbed his vest "Maybe this won't be so bad."

After the first day of school Naruto made an enemy of the Captain of the Football team for not only embarrassing him out on the field but also talking to his girlfriend.

School was a breeze, with Naruto's ability to remember everything he's seen he was a straight A student, he joined the basketball team and was the star player being given the name the Marksman since he never missed, and of course slept around the school with students and a few teachers. His best friend Alexandria learned about his history and was in awe of it, he taught her to shoot better and eventually she was drafted into the WNBA.

In the 10 years since Naruto was given a new life, he's enjoyed it much more than his old one, he's felt lose jn this life as well with the passing of Daniel Briefs who was a titan in the world and shocked and saddened everyone when he succumbed to Lung Cancer at the age of 54.

Naruto had grew fond of the chain smoking genius in the years they spent together, he was a dedicated man who just wanted to make life easier for people and worked at a soup kitchen every holiday, gave millions of dollars to charities, and funds for education and people in need. Naruto and Dr. Briefs worked on the gravity room together a place where Naruto could train, and the man even helped him find ingredients needed for Sensu Beans, as well as helped the man make a ship capable of interstellar travel but that was a secret.

Naruto took over for Daniel at Capsule Corp, as CEO, while also becoming a world best selling author for his books Final Fantasy, Loveless, Make Out Paradise, and his manga series Fairy Tale, Bleach, and One Piece which were retelling of world's he's visited and destroyed.

Naruto loved his life his vices still held strong unfortunately, Ramen, training, and sex were impossible for him to give up and unfortunately it was about to come to an end

Currently Naruto was in his gravity room training under 4900× Earth's normal gravity, the gravity room was more like a field that Naruto took from Ichigo's retelling of Kisuke Urahara's basem*nt facility

It was outfitted with artificial gravity machines, training robots, and virtual reality equipment. It is here were find 26 year old Naruto doing fingertip handstand pushups when an alarm went off, causing him to grunt as the gravity was released and a monitor appeared showing the face of a Frost Demon hovering over a ship

"Greetings Earthlings, my name is Frieza. I am the Emperor of the Universe, and I have come to take your planet for myself. If you wish to resist then I will exterminate you all like the vermin that you are. Case and point." the monitor showed Frieza point out to a island and a ki beam was launched and a huge explosion took place before the smoke cleared to show the island completely gone "I expect every leader you people have to give me your surrender of face a global catastrophe! You have 1 Hour."

The world was immediately in a frenzy, not only did they just find out that aliens were real, but they had the power to wipe out all life with the point of a finger

"Dammit." Naruto sighed as he left the room, and headed for his lab and walked to a suitcase

"Incase you ever need to show the world what can you really do. Love Dad." Naruto read before he opened the case and blinked at the outfit inside

"This is Charlotte Rivers of LA NEWS, it's been an hour since the alien space craft has appeared over the Pacific. The alien known as Frieza has issued his ultimatum and so far no government has saw fit to surrender... I'm just getting reports of military fighter jets are inbound."

Frieza's Ship

"Lord Frieza, your orders!"

"So the Earthlings don't wish to surrender heh. Go exterminate them all!" Frieza yelled before with cheers his people flew out and the 10 fighter jets that were on the scene were wiped out without effort

On the coast of Los Angeles, the people that were still outside saw the incoming aliens and with screams of fear all ran for cover, the first alien was almost to land when a blur shot forward and an explosion happened causing everyone to stop, before the smoke cleared to show Naruto dressed in Saiyan Armor (Bardock's outfit without battle skirt)

"That armor." an alien said

"It's like the one Lord Frieda gave to the Saiyans before he wiped them all out!" another alien said

"A man has appeared to combat the alien siege, but he is still heavily outnumbered." Charlotte continued to report as footage played on televisions world wide

"I'll only say this once. Turn around, and leave." Naruto said

"What're you doing here monkey? Lord Frieza exterminated all of you."

"Obviously not." Naruto said with narrowed eyes

"Well bringing your head will surely please our lord, let's get him boys!" the leader said getting cheers before the mob of aliens rushed Naruto who scoffed and aimed a palm at them

"Hakai!" Naruto thought before a purple flash surrounded the aliens and they desintergrated with agonizing screams

Frieza's eyes widened when he saw the man wearing Saiyan armor appeared and did away with his foot soldiers "Not to worry lord Frieza, we shall take care of this."

Frieza looked to see the Ginyu force head out to take on the Saiyan "No games Ginyu, I want that Saiyan gone!" Frieza yelled

"Roger!" Ginyu yelled as he and his team flew at Naruto at fast speeds causing the Saiyan to turn toward them and immediately he raised an arm to block Burter's elbow and dodged a kick from Ginyu, and flipped over Recoome, and teleported behind Jeice and kicked him back

"Seems this Saiyan is different then the others." Ginyu smirked

"It doesn't matter captain, he's still just a space monkey!" Jeice yelled

"We can't disappoint Lord Frieza, let's get this over with." Ginyu yelled before he looked to the new member who was a 4 eyed green short alien "Guldo do your thing."

"R-right!" Guldo yelled

Naruto raised an eyebrow before the alien did a pose and next thing Naruto knew he was getting punched by Recoome into the air, and as he turned to strike back at Burter who was about to kick him, he caught Guldo aim his hands at him again before he was kicked from behind by Burter

This song and dance happened for a minute as the Ginyu forced used Guldo's time stopping ability to thrash Naruto till suddenly Guldo exploded "W-what?!" Ginyu asked looking at Guldo before he turned to Naruto who smirked

"Now let's really fight." Naruto said

"Bastard!' Jeice yelled even though Guldo was knew, he was still part of the team

Naruto was immediately rushed the the remaining members of Frieza's elite fighting force, and blocked with his arms, and legs while they hammered away, before he vanished in an after image causing Ginyu to hit Recoome in the face, while Recoome kicked Burter, as Jeice punched Ginyu in the gut, and Burter elbowed elbowed Jeice in the jaw

Naruto appeared behind Burter and smirked "Bye. Final Shine!" a green blast of ki overtook the Ginyu Force with the exception of Ginyu, and Recoome who had seen Naruto appear

Naruto looked over when he heard yelling to see Recoome readying his ultimate move "REEECCOOOMMMEEE!" Recoome called, as he started to then transfer the energy into his mouth.


With that said, Recoome fired a largely wide, thick and focused pink energy ray beam towards Naruto who appeared and caught the head of the blast with his palm smirking

"What?!" Ginyu yelled in shock before Naruto shoved the blast back into Recoome's head and gripped his mouth tightly

"Die." Naruto said before a yellow beam overtook Recoome's firm erasing him from existence

"Bastard!" Naruto leaned back and punched Ginyu in the face sending him spiraling away

"You dirty Saiyan monkey! Look what you have done, the Ginyu Force is the best fighting force in the universe. We have helped Lord Frieda enslave countless planets and exterminate plenty of races, your filthy species being chief among them!" Ginyu yelled for all to hear

"It was the best fighting force the universe has ever seen you mean." Naruto smirked, "And you keep talking about the Saiyans. Here's some information I don't care. Earth is my home, and the humans are people. You hope to enslave or wipe them out, and I refuse for you to do so."

"Then die with them!" Ginyu yelled enraged before he fired his milky blast toward the humans on the beach watching

Naruto's eyes widened as a mother held her child while screaming while everyone tried to run, before Naruto appeared and took the blast head on and yelled as the purple ball of energy expanded overtaking him completely

Everyone looked on in horror as the man who protected them was gone. Ginyu smirked as Frieza appeared beside him laughing

"Hehehe, well done Ginyu. Took longer than I would've liked but you've done well." Frieza said

"Tha k you my lord. What should we do now?" Ginyu asked

"That Saiyan has infested this world, I no longer want it. We will destroy it." Frieza said getting a nod before his eyes widened when from the cloud of smoke where the milky blast detonated a small beam of ki took the upper right side of Ginyu's head killing him, causing the corpse to fall into the ocean as Naruto appeared his armor a bit damaged but he was otherwise okay

"All of you leave now." Naruto said floating up as the humans nodded and quickly retreated to a more safer position

"Well you are different from those monkeys. I guess I will have to kill the last remnant of your pathetic race." Frieza said before with a yell he rushed Naruto as he went directly to his final form

Naruto narrowed his eyes before he caught Frieza's punch, and a Shockwave shattered every window in a 15 miles radius, the two quickly vanished in a blink of an eye, and reappeared in mid combat and vanished again

With a roar Naruto charged at Frieza who dodged the fist thrown at him. Frieza then struck at Naruto who grabbed the fist before kneeing Frieza in the gut then giving an upper cut with a double axe handle. Naruto then flew towards Frieza delivering a barrage of hurricane kicks, and suddenly stopped b with a palm in Frieza's face "See ya!" Naruto yelled before a blast to the face sending Frieza down to the street

Frieza far from finished stopped stopped his descent and fired a death beam at Naruto who deflected it with minimum ease. However, it was only a distraction as Frieza appeared in front of Naruto punching him in the gut before smacking him away with his tail

The Saiyan went flying towards a skyscraper before he stopped short of the windows where people were backing away fired a black energy wave at Frieza who knocked it away with his tail. Naruto growled as he flashed above Frieza and sent Frieza flying down with an hammerfist

Frieza regained balance and glared Naruto who gave an eye smile "Show me your power, Frost Demon." Naruto said opening his eyes and narrowing them at Frieza who smirked "Your boring me."

"That's my line, Saiyan monkey!" Frieza yelled as he buffed up "I reduce you and this planet to space dust!"

Naruto sighed at the yelling before he vanished and sent a jab to Frieza's gut, causing Frieza to hunch over with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, before Naruto smashed a double axe handle on Frieza's head, sending him crashing down towards the ground causing dirt, and concrete to explode upwards as a 50 ft crater formed

Waiting for the cloud of smoke to vanish Naruto's eyes widened when a death beam headed for his chest almost took him out

"That hurt!" Frieza yelled before he sped at Naruto who rushed him in turn and threw a punch that connected with Frieza's face, but a tail wrapped around his neck, and he was assaulted by a flurry of punches to the gut, before an upper cut and kick sent him away

Frieza flew after the Saiyan and threw punch but Naruto recovered then grabbed his wrists "Not bad fool." Naruto said

"Then you'll like this." Frieza said as he twirled his hands, causing Naruto to turn sideways before he was punched in the gut causing spittle to fly, and quickly he began to dodge the punches and kicks that Frieza sent at him, and was surprised by a ball of energy sending him flying away

Naruto held on to the ball then threw it upward so he could rush at Frieza and throw his own punches and kicks that were dodged with ease. But Naruto connected a hook to the face and a knee to the stomach, before he grabbed Frieza's tail and swung him around throwing him toward the sky but he rebounded and smirked at Naruto

"Well well, not bad. Rather impressive actually, this fight is making me more assured that it was a good move to wipe out Planet Vegeta, and Sadala." Frieza said causing Naruto's eyes to narrow "But I grow tired of thus game. Time to die!"

Naruto's eyes widened when his face was grabbed and he was sent slamming through a building into the ground

The Police screamed and quickly shot at Frieza to help out their only means of survival but the bullets were of no effect

"First I'll kill you, then I'll hunt down these humans you seem to love so much, one by one. Then once they're all gone, so will this planet be!"

Frieza laughed cruelly before a her was kicked in the nose sending him flying up, as Naruto had punted him through the hole that was made, while the clone that was being choked dispersed

Naruto looked to the officers "Thanks for trying to help."

"Thank us by finishing him!" the police captain yelled getting a nod from Naruto who flew out to meet Frieda

Naruto met Frieza midway and threw a barrage of kicks and punches that Frieza just either blocked or dodged.

Amused, Frieza grabbed onto Naruto's ankle then and threw the Saiyan down before he fired off a full powered energy wave from each hand. Naruto deflected the two waves but it was only a distraction as Frieza hit Naruto to the side then punched him in the gut.

Frieza kept going with his fist still lodged in Naruto's gut, and slammed him into a building's wall. With ease, Frieza brought Naruto up then slammed him into the ground. Frieza then pushed Naruto down with more strength into the ground causing the man to go flying into the sewer underground.

His minor victory was short lived when Naruto reappeared and struck Frieza in the chin with a elbow and gave a back hand hook to Friezas face before sending a storm of energy blasts at the tyrant. Frieza deflected them and sent a barrage of death beams at Naruto who speed forward slapping them unto the sky away from any buildings and people

"I've really gotten rusty." Naruto thought while sending a blur energy wave at Frieza who knocked it away. Naruto however appeared right above Frieza, with a lightning charged fist spearing straight through Frieza's body but it soon faded away, revealing it to be an after image.

Naruto grunted as Frieza reappeard sent Naruto down into the ground with a axe kick, Naruto flipped so his feet hit the street and charged back up at Frieza who laughed and rushed towards him and hit him away, before he rushed at Naruto and was going to knee him when Naruto vanished appeared over Frieza grabbing his head and slamming it into the ground (RKO) causing Frieza to gag

Naruto stood up and gripped Frieza's tail and threw him high into the air, and with a roar a ki beam shot mouth overtaking Frieza

Naruto eyes darted around before they widened and he looked up to see Frieza's glaring at him murderously holding up a very large energy sphere that resembled the sun.

"You filthy monkey! I have had enough of you and this planet! DIE!" Frieza roared as he launched the ball of energy towards Naruto

"sh*t!" Naruto cursed before he held up his hands and caught the blast however it only slowed down a little bit and continued to push Naruto down toward the street as the ball kept going, as if it wasn't being held back.

"Hahahaha! Yes! I'll kill you and your home using using the same fireworks I used to wipe out your planet!" Frieda laughed as the Saiyan touched back on the ground, putting in effort to hold it back

Naruto closed his eyes "I've had...ENOUGH! KA-ME-HA-MEEEEE..." Naruto's hair raised and the black tresses flashed golden as his eyes turned teal "HAAAAAAA!" The Saiyan roared as he transformed into a Super Saiyan and launched his move which began to push the Super Nova back towards Frieza with ease.

"NO! DAMN YOU SAIYANS!" Frieza screamed as his hands met with his own attack, to push it back but it was useless as Naruto's Super Saiyan form outclassed him completely "GRAAAHH!" Frieza roared as he was blasted into his ship that was pushed back with him all the way into the sun, before he and the ship was vaporized into complete utter nothingness,

Naruto stood there in his Super Saiyan form glaring up at the sun as he sensed Freiza's energy vanish completely and with a sigh he returned to normal

Immediately cheers caused Naruto to blink and turn around to see people rushing him and surrounding him "Uh," he sounded as questions were asked and gratitude was expressed and he found himself smiling at the people



Saiyan Destroyer of Justice - Chapter 1 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (1)


Saiyan Destroyer of Justice - Chapter 1 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (2)

Saiyan Destroyer of Justice - Chapter 1 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.